1. Legal Liability for Management (OHS Act and MHS Act)

SAQA ID: 13951

Target Audience:

  • Management who has OHSA/MHSA responsibilities, i.e. the employer
  • Supervisors who have OHS duties and responsibilities
  • Individuals responsible for OHS duties but do not have a health and safety background
  • Employees who have a role in developing solutions for OHS hazards


The successful minimising of legal risks faced by a company requires the sustained support of the management team. This workshop emphasises the need for top management to address the civil and criminal exposures on a daily basis and in doing so, protect the company employees and all persons who may be affected by the company’s work activities.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the OHSA/MHSA and the responsibilities of management in terms of the Act .The workshop provides supervisory staff with the required degree of competency in managing Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace. The focus is knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in relation to the learner’s own context and experience, his/her supervisory duties, rights and powers.

Course Duration:

1 Day Course: Presentation
2 Day Course: Workshop
3 Day Course: Practical

Course Content:

  • Introduction to the Course
  • General Duties of the Employer and Employee
  • Prescribed Statutory Appointments
  • Legal Liability – The impact on management
  • Health and Safety Representatives/Committees
  • Risk Assessment
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
  • Task Observations
  • Occupational Health and Hygiene
  • Manufacturer’s Liability
  • Overview of the Regulations
  • Overview of Contractor Management
  • Inspectors, Investigations and Inquiries
  • Offences and Penalties
  • Overview of all Labour Legislation & the COID Act
  • Applicable Health and Safety Case Law
  • Post Assessment

Course Outcomes:

The learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the Act and Regulations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to interpret the law in the context of the organisation.
  • Understand their role and responsibilities as the employer, regarding health and safety.

2. Legal Liability for Employees (OHS Act and MHS Act)

SAQA ID: 14993

Target Audience:

Employees interested in developing a greater understanding of their respective duties and responsibilities within the organisation.


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Health and Safety Legislation and its application. Every employee has a constitutional right to work in a safe environment. This detailed and informative workshop is essential in educating employees about their rights in relation to the legislation on Health and Safety in the workplace. Employees are now part of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Programme and are co-responsible for ensuring that they participate in the advancement of Occupational Health and Safety of all employees and non-employees who may be affected by their work activities.

Course Duration:

1 Day Course: Presentation
2 Day Course: Workshop
3 Day Course: Practical

Course Contents:

  • Introduction to the Course
  • General Duties of the Employee and Employer
  • Applicable Statutory Appointments
  • Legal Liability – The impact on the employee
  • Health and Safety Representatives/Committees
  • Risk Assessment
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
  • Task Observations
  • Occupational Health and Hygiene
  • Overview of the Regulations
  • Contractors
  • Inspectors, Investigations and Inquiries
  • Offences and Penalties
  • Overview of all Labour Legislation & the COID Act
  • Applicable Health and Safety Case Law
  • Post Assessment

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop, learners should be able to:

  • Explain the legislation regulating Health and Safety in the organisation.
  • Describe how the Act is applied to different operations.
  • Apply the risk management process as required by the Act.
  • Explain the regulations relating to the organisation.
  • Understand their respective duties and responsibilities.

3. Legal Liability for Health and Safety Representatives (OHS Act and MHS Act)

SAQA ID: 116518

Target Audience:

  • Newly appointed Health and Safety Representatives.
  • Currently appointed Health and Safety Representatives.
  • Individuals responsible for health and safety duties but do not have a health and safety background.


To conduct Health and Safety Representative activities. One of the principle features of the OHS/MHS Act is that it provides for much higher level of employee participation in respect of occupational health and safety issues.  The Health and Safety Rep has numerous functions and is a representative in the true sense of the word.  This workshop teaches the delegate that he is in a trust position and that he should constantly remind himself that his ultimate objective is to promote a safe and healthy workplace.

Course Duration:

1 Day Course: Presentation
2 Day Course: Workshop

Course Outline

  • Introduction to the Occupational Health and Safety/MHS Act
  • Legal Terminology – An Overview
  • OHS/MHS Legislation – Act
  • Roles and responsibilities of Health & Safety Representatives

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the specified requirements to conduct safety, health and environmental representation activities at a working place.
  • Describe the legislative framework of workplace health and safety legislation, legislation pertaining to health and safety representatives, and the effect on the duties of health and safety representatives of health and safety legislation.
  • Participate in the actions to address safety, health and environmental related issues.
  • Participate in activities within safety, health and environmental structures.

4. Incident Investigation (OHS Act and MHS Act)

SAQA ID: 115087

Target Audience:

  • Senior Management
  • Line Management
  • Supervisors
  • Safety Specialists
  • Incident Investigators


Conduct an incident investigation into workplace health, safety and environmental incidents. It is important to investigate all incidents because:

  • Investigation allows for the identification of incident causes to establish preventative strategies
  • It provides a point of reference to establish trends in incident causes.
  • It encourages organisations to communicate incident information and learn from past incidents
  • It also shows that the organisation is taking appropriate actions to prevent recurrence of the incident
  • Incidents may become common law cases. If not properly investigated at the time of the incident, details fade and memories become confused.

Course Duration:

1 Day Course: Presentation
2 Day Course: Workshop

Course Contents:

  • Introduction – Causes/Effects of loss
  • Accident Investigation – Who should investigate?
  • Getting Incidents reported
  • Initial actions after an incident
  • Gathering evidence
  • Loss Causation Model
  • Preparation of Investigation Reports
  • Data Analysis
  • Remedial Action
  • Investigations / Inquiries

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the requirements for preliminary workplace safety, health and environment incident investigation.
  • Gather data for preliminary workplace safety, health and environment incident investigation that is accurate.
  • Record and report workplace safety, health and environment incident investigation data accurately and as specified.

6. Training w.r.t. Statutory Appointments (OHS Act and MHS Act)

Target Audience:

All legally required appointed employers and employees.


An appointment consists of more than just what is stipulated on the appointment form.  It has legal meaning and requires an appointee to consider the Safety legislation, the regulations and all other requirements.  Appointments must not be regarded as merely a paper exercise, and the forms should include reference to a safety and health systems.

Course Duration:

Half-Day Course: Presentation
1 Day Course: Workshop

Course Contents:

  • Introduction – Statutory Appointments
  • Legal Requirements
  • Types of Appointments
  • Role of the Employer
  • Benefits of Appointments
  • Additional Topics

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to Health and Safety Legal Appointments.
  • Appoint all applicable staff.
  • Describe the controls necessary to maintain a good safety management system.

7. Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Awareness (Induction)

SAQA ID: 116527

Target Audience:

All employees and contractors.


All employees and contractors must be able to demonstrate knowledge pertaining to basic health and safety principles in and around a workplace. This induction is designed so as to make each and every person aware of the dangers they face and precautions that must be taken in their respective workplaces.

Course Duration:

Half-Day Course: Presentation
1 Day Course: Workshop

Course Content:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • General Safety Rules
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Legislation
  • Occupational Hazards

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop all learners should be:

  • Aware of health, safety and environmental principles.
  • Motivated to apply what he/she has learned and to secure a healthy and safe work environment.
  • Able to work confidently w.r.t health, safety and environmental standards.